Get Involved!

We really appreciate our volunteers! Our parish NEEDS YOU! Please consider helping in one or more of these ministries! THANK YOU!!

Sacrament Prep & Formation Ministries

Children K-5th grade

Contact:, 480-279-6737

Family Formation Catechist
Grow in your faith, form relationships and serve families. We are in great need of Catechists and Aides. No experience is necessary. We have great training and resources. Please join our team!

Jr. High / High School

Contact:, 480-279-6737

Youth Evangelization Core Team Members
We are in need of volunteers that want to share their faith and build relationships with the high school students of our parish.

Adult Faith Formation (RCIA), Marriage Ministry, Bulletin Editor

Contact:, 480-279-6737

OCIA Dismissal Team
Facilitate Sunday dismissals (Prayer and Discussion surrounding themes from the Sunday Readings) for adults in OCIA. One or more Sundays per month.

Evangelization Team: Special Needs Mentors
Provide personalized faith formation for adults with special needs who are seeking to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Training and continual formation/support provided. As-needed basis.

Evangelization Team: Mentors
We are looking for adults who have a desire to share their faith and build relationships with other adults seeking to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church in a one-on-one and/or small group setting. Training and continual formation/support provided.

Music Ministry, Podcast, & Sound Board Operator

Contact:, 480-279-6737 ext 203

We are always looking for new talent whether singing, instrumentals, or technical assistance.

Sound Board Operator
This volunteer position works the soundboard to monitor volume levels during Masses or special events.

Liturgy & Pastoral Care

Contact:, 480-279-6737

Consider spending one hour/week with our Lord. Find out more and sign up here:

Mass Coordinators, Sacristans, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Ushers, Greeters, Funeral Volunteer, Floral Guild, Linen and cassock care, Prayer Ministers, Extraordinary Ministers to the homebound and hospice.

Front Office Reception Desk

Contact:, 480-279-6737 ext 200

Volunteer Front Desk Receptionist and Office Help
Provide skilled receptionist and administrative services, welcoming people into the office, answering questions, and direct people to who they need to speak with depending on their needs. Phones and light computer work.