Parish Registration

Welcome to St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church!

Once you have submitted the registration, you will receive an email from a staff member to answer any questions you may have about the parish or ways you can get involved.

We desire all registered parishioners to be active. An “active parishioner” is determined by faithful attendance at Mass and regular support of the Parish through time, talent and treasure (tithing on a weekly basis). It's not about how much, but about consistency.

To enroll in Family Catechesis, participate in ministries, or celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion or Marriage, families need to be registered in the parish.

Thank you and God bless,
The Staff of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church

Information Updates

If you have a change of address, phone, email, adding of children or are moving out of the parish please call the office or email to have your records updated.

Register Today