Parish Events & Announcements

Upcoming Events

Respect Life Holy Hour
Join fellow parishioners to pray for the protection of all human life, from conception to natural death on Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm. The first half is private adoration, followed by the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. All are welcome!

Ladies Night Lenten Workshop:
Enjoy an evening of prayer and fellowship while creating a beautiful work of art for you to take home.

Children's Outdoor Fun
Meet under the awning for food truck, activities, fun and fellowship for all.
Questions? Email

Magnificat Meal
at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 3550 E. Knox Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85044
Doors open at 11:00am for open seating. Lunch 11:15-2:30pm.

2nd Thursday of the month, 6:30pm in the Holy Family Room

AZ March for Life
11:00am Rally at Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza
12:00pm Arizona March for Life

Catholic Daughters of America Meeting
3rd Saturday of the month, 10:00am in the Holy Family Room