Pastoral Council

One of the primary ways in which a Pastor fulfills his obligation of working collaboratively with the faithful and effectively serving the needs of his parishioners is through the work of the Pastoral Council.

The Pastoral Council is an advisory council made up of various parishioners who meet on a regular basis to aid the Pastor in assessing the needs of the parish, establishing priorities, and making decisions concerning the allocation of parish resources. For the past year and a half, much work has been done with the Pastoral Council. We have updated our guidelines and statues, ensuring their compliance with those of the Diocese of Phoenix, and we have established a strategic plan to advance our parish mission of witnessing the love of Jesus Christ through evangelization, catechesis, and the celebration of the Sacraments. I feel richly blessed by the members of the Pastoral Council. They are faithful Catholics who love the Church and St. Mary Magdalene Parish.

Have questions or ideas for the parish?

Your comments, questions, or willingness to volunteer are greatly appreciated! Send your thoughts to the Pastoral Council using the following link:

There you will find a format with which to structure your input. It will be sent directly to Father Chris and the Pastoral Council who meet monthly with the exception of June and July. Your feedback is important to us and will be held in strict confidence. The council will review, respond and, if appropriate, address at a council meeting.

The council is an advisory body to our Pastor, Fr. Chris. The primary mission of the council is to advise the Pastor on matters of parish policy, planning and other items at the request of the Pastor.

Council Members:
Matt Patterson, President
Kim Celentano, Vice President
Kathy Pipenhagen, Secretary
Kent Bell
Mary Calgaro
Stephen Dombrowski
Jennifer Cunningham
Merrily Pearson, Staff Liaison

Meeting Minutes