Preparing for the Sacrament of Baptism (Newborns up to age 7)

NOTE: If your child is (7) seven years of age or older contact for baptism information.

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the close of the age."

Matthew 28:20

As parents, you provide much for your children - food, shelter, clothing, education, a home, a loving family, etc. However, handing on to them the gift of faith is the most important gift that you could possibly give to your child. Through baptism, we are reborn as children of God, freed from sin, and incorporated into the Body of Christ. Baptism makes us temples of the Holy Spirit and it is the door that gives us access to the entire sacramental life of the Church.

We are excited to support you on this journey. Here is what to expect:

Baptisms are typically scheduled on the 3rd Sunday of the month either during or after the 11:30am Mass.

Step 1: Baptism Registration

Parents must be registered members of St. Mary Magdalene for at least three months, attend Mass regularly, identify your tithe either online or with a check or an envelope with your name on it, and participate in ministry as a member of our parish family.


If you are not currently a registered parishioner and would like to make St. Mary Magdalene your spiritual home, you can register online here:


Step 2: Baptism Class

  • You must register at least four days prior to the class in order to attend.
  • These classes are for parents as well as godparents.
  • Childcare is NOT provided. Please make arrangements for this prior to coming to the class.


Step 3: Find Eligible Godparents/Verify Eligibility

Choosing godparents for your child is a decision that must be made with great care. A Godparent must be someone capable of serving as a good example for faithfully living the Catholic way of life and for their ability to assist the Godchild and parents on their faith journey. Each proposed godparent must complete this form and have it signed and sealed by the parish where they are registered. Once completed it can be emailed to me.


Here are the basic requirements for eligibility, in accord with Canon 872-875 of the Code of Canon Law: 

  • A Godparent must be a Roman Catholic who has received the three sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. If married, they must be validly married in the Catholic Church. If not married, they cannot be cohabitating with a partner. 
  • Must be at least sixteen (16) years of age 
  • They cannot be the parents of the child 
  • If two (2) Godparents are chosen, there must be one (1) male and one (1) female 
  • The godparent must be a registered, practicing Catholic for a minimum of three months in one of our parishes. This can be verified through Time, Talent, and/or Treasure. Time and Talent can be verified by the director of any group that the person is active in, such as: Choir, Lector, Greeter, Eucharistic Minister, Religious Education Teacher or Aid, and more. Treasure can be verified by weekly tithing through envelopes or online giving. Please see your individual parish for more details.
  • Register for Baptism Class (see link above)

If you are unsure as to whether or not someone you have in mind meets these requirements, or you do not know anyone that meets these requirements, feel free to email I am happy to help!

Step 4: Formation/Follow-Up Meeting(s)

If extenuating circumstances arise I will contact you for further information.

Step 5: Turn in all Paperwork and Schedule Baptism Date

The following must be received in order to schedule a Baptism Date:

  • Birth Certificate of child (snap a photo and email it to me.)
  • Godparent Eligibility Form signed, dated, and sealed by Godparent’s parish.

Please note that I will need at least 10 days’ notice to schedule a baptism after Steps 1-5 are completed.