Family Faith Formation and Order of Christian Initiation for Grades K-5
We would like to welcome you to St. Mary Magdalene’s 2024-25 Family Faith Formation and Order of Christian Initiation (OCIC – formerly RCIC) Program
Our program strives to evangelize and catechize both children and parents so all who participate in the program encounter the love of Jesus Christ and carry out his mission. Please make sure to read the information below before registering your child.
Please begin your child’s religious education in Kindergarten or First Grade in order for them to receive their Sacraments on time. Sacraments require two years of prior religious education. If you delay, your child may be placed in a younger grade or be placed in a two-year OCIC program to be prepared for Sacraments.
Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC)
Please register your child for this program if your child is in:
- 3rd, 4th or 5th grade and NOT BAPTIZED, or
- 4th or 5th grade, is BAPTIZED but has NOT received 1st Reconciliation or 1st Communion
OCIC meets on Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:15am (between the 9:00am and 11:30am Masses). Sessions begin Sunday, September 8.
OCIC is a two-year program.
Family Formation Program
All other children in Kindergarten through Grade 5 should be registered for the Family Formation Program.
Family Formation meets on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Sessions are offered both days from 4:30-5:30pm and 6:00-7:00pm. Sessions begin on September 10/11. When you register, you will have an opportunity to choose the day and time that works best for your family.
At least one parent is required to attend our bi-weekly Tuesday/Wednesday parent meetings held during your child’s class times.