Eucharist Revival at St Mary Magdalene
Eucharist Revival Year 3 Kick-off
Sat, Feb 22 at 10am in the Hall
The Holy Spirit is at work! We have been on a 3 year journey of revival and THIS YEAR is YOUR TIME TO ENGAGE! If you haven’t been engaged so far or didn’t know about the Eucharist Revival: IT IS TIME to get involved!
Year 1 was geared towards diocese and leadership planning.
Year 2 was around reinvigorating worship, providing opportunities for personal encounters with Jesus and providing solid Faith Formation on the Eucharist.
Year 3 is about drawing us closer to Christ and sending us forth on
Being a Disciple was not just for 12 men two-thousand years ago. It is for every Christian in every time! We are called to “go out and make disciples!” This is scary to a lot of us! We are going to talk about ways to grow in intimacy with Christ and simple ways to share your faith. Come learn about the talks, faith sharing groups and other ways we plan to roll out this exciting Mission within St Mary Magdalene! Join the Movement! Grab a friend and come hear from Father Chris and other staff and volunteers about how you can grow closer to Christ in 2025.
National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation
Year Two: Eucharist Congress
The 10th National Eucharistic Congress was a profound moment for the whole Church in the United States as our Catholic family united in prayer. 60,000 Catholics gathered in Indianapolis for this generational event, and countless more across the nation joined us via livestream.
You can watch all of the keynote speeches – linked right here on this page: Father Mike Schmitz, Jonathon Roumie, Bishop Barron, Gloria Purvis, Chris Stefanik, Sr. Josephine Garrett, Monsignor James Shea, Colonel Mike Hopkins, Pope Francis delegate for the closing Mass: Cardinal Luis Tagle, and the closing remarks by Bishop Cozzens, and more!
Each speech gives direction, hope, and is full of inspiration! I encourage you to set up a plan to listen to each one because they are all worth your time.
As the Eucharistic Congress concluded, all Catholics were called to embrace our Apostolic roots, knowing that Jesus in the Eucharist is the answer to every restless heart. If we truly believe this in our heart, we are called to share this good news, which is what this next year: the Year of Mission is all about.
The Eucharist Revival website has been refreshed: check it out: The Year of Mission: Playbook and Other Resources.
We are invited to consider: is there one person in our life that we could pray for that has left the church or never knew Jesus? How could we be a light to them, be a friend, accompany them on a path to/back to Jesus? This “Walk with One” mission is a way we can say yes to sharing the good news. Walk With One: Eucharistic Revival Initiative for the Year of Mission.