Renovation Update

by Fr. Chris Axline  |  05/29/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

I’d like to give everyone an update on our progress on our renovations. The concrete foundation as well as the posts for our altar rail have been laid. We’ve also had the ceiling and back wall painted to match the theme of the artwork that will be installed in our sanctuary. Construction should be completed late this summer. We’re running into supply chain issues affecting the delivery of our marble and other materials. These setbacks have a cascading effect into other areas of the project which is delaying the completion of this project. What remains is the delivery and installation of the marble for the sanctuary, carpeting, the decorative woodwork, the altar rail, and final cleanup.


My Journey to Catholicism

by Parishioner Jake Hesse  |  05/22/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Why are you here? I mean two things when I ask that. First: why are you here at church? Second: what is your purpose in this life? It can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that those two questions have very little to do with each other. After all, why go to church every week, or even only on certain days like Christmas and Easter, if it is not important? For most of my life, I only had to worry about the second question because, for about 24 years, I was not a Catholic.


May Crowning

by Fr. Chris Axline  |  05/01/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Did you know that May is a month dedicated to Our Blessed Mother? To celebrate her intercession in our life it’s an ancient tradition to crown our Lady on May 1st as a way of asking her to intercede for us and to share in her joy in Christ risen from the dead. Today’s insert features that rite so that you can pray along with us as we crown Mary during our 9:00am Mass. You can also adapt this rite if you’d like to crown an image/statue of Mary in your own home.


Divine Mercy Sunday

by Fr. Chris Axline  |  04/24/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Happy Divine Mercy Sunday! Today the Church invites us to celebrate the beautiful devotion to celebrate the infinite, undeserved outpouring of God’s Love for us. This devotion is a powerful one and one that’s quickly gained popularity in the life of the Church. The Divine Mercy devotion comes from a series of visions and locutions that Jesus gave to St. Maria Faustina Kowalski during the 1930’s and 40’s in Poland.


Easter Greetings

by Fr. Chris Axline  |  04/17/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Hello St. Mary Magdalene,

Happy Easter! On this joyous day we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death. Our joy is made perfect in Him as He rises to new life showing us that we too are made for Heaven and eternal union with Him. Easter and Christ’s Resurrection becomes the lens through which we view the events of the past three days (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) and we see God’s great victory as He speaks His final word: Life!


“Domine, non nisi Te.”

by Fr. Chris Axline  |  04/10/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Towards the end of his life, one of my favorite saints, St. Thomas Aquinas, was praying in front of a crucifix when Christ spoke to him, praised all his great writings given to the Church and promised Thomas any gift of his choosing. Thomas replied back “Domine, non nisi Te” (Lord, nothing but you) indicating that he already had everything he needed in that experience with the Lord. Thomas wanted only the love of God.


Our Temporary Altar Backdrop

by Fr. Chris Axline  |  04/03/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Over the past few weeks I’ve been getting lots of questions about our backdrop. Thank you for your interest and for engaging with the sacred art. One of the great historical means the Catholic Church has used to teach the faith is through sacred art (murals, frescoes, stained glass windows, etc.).


The Annunciation and Mary's Response

by Fr. Chris Axline  |  03/27/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

I hope you had a great Solemnity of the Annunciation! Did you know that the Annunciation liturgically is celebrated as a solemnity (meaning equal to a Sunday)? This means that on such solemnities, one is dispensed from Lenten disciplines such as no meat? That means Friday the 25th, you could have had bacon (and I hope you did, because I sure did!!!). The reason first for this solemnity is that it’s nine (9) months until Christmas. So, you now have a little less than 9 months to get your Christmas shopping done. Nine months before Christmas, that means that March 25th the Church celebrates that this is the day when the Archangel Gabriel came to visit Mary and Announce to her that she was to become the Mother of God!


Feast of St. Joseph

by Fr. Chris Axline  |  03/20/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Hello St. Mary Magdalene,

Happy feast of St. Joseph! What a beautiful time to celebrate and reflect on the universal patron of the Church, he who cared for, watched over, and protected St. Joseph. Because of his role in welcoming Jesus and Mary into his life, he’s the patron saint of the universal Catholic Church. He’s also a role model for us too as we strive to make room for Christ more and more in our daily life.


Sanctuary Renovation Coming Soon!

04/11/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Parishioners:

I am excited to be able to share this wonderful news with all of you! This summer, we’re going to be doing some renovations to our sanctuary space. The design concept is pictured here (large image also in the church narthex) and below is a summary from the artists about the symbolism and meaning behind what you will see. This build is the fruit of the 2019 “Together Let Us Go Forth” diocesan campaign and our own capital campaign launched in 2017. These campaigns have had two goals: 1) to build a parish hall; and 2) the beautification of our church. This sanctuary build will cost us between $500,000 and $750,000, will take 90-120 days to complete, and will not incur any more debt upon St. Mary Magdalene. We are continuing to work towards the parish hall. We have not given up on the hall, but have to continue raising monies, as current construction costs exceed the funds we have on hand. I will continue to share development updates as they become available.


Moments of the Mass: Agnus Dei

by Claire Halbur  |  02/14/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

In the powerful TV series The Chosen*, a breathless Andrew comes running to exclaim to his brother: “Simon, it’s happened! We are saved! I saw him with my own eyes...the Lamb of God.

He who takes away the sin of the world.” He tries to describe being at the Jordan river with John the Baptist and seeing John point out Jesus with this title. Simon, stressed out about his finances, sick mother-in-law, recent argument with his wife, and the lack of good catches lately (he’s a full-time fisherman), dismisses his brother’s testimony as irrelevant to his personal troubles.


Moments of the Mass: Sanctus

by Claire Halbur  |  02/05/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

During the middle of Mass (after the Liturgy of the Word and the preparation of the altar) comes the Eucharistic prayer, which the General Instruction of the Roman Missal calls “the center and high point of the entire celebration...the prayer of thanksgiving and sanctification.” (GIRM 78)

This prayer begins with a dialogue in which the priest exhorts us to lift up our hearts. Then the celebrant chants or speaks the Preface, “in which the Priest, in the name of the whole of the holy people, glorifies God the Father and gives thanks to him for the whole work of salvation or for some particular aspect of it, according to the varying day, festivity, or time of year.”


Missa Magdalena: A gift for the Lord and for you

by Claire Halbur  |  01/29/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

As Catholics, we possess a heritage of prayers that pass our lips thousands—even tens of thousands—of times in our lives. The Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be probably come to mind. So should the basic prayers of our Liturgy…

  • Each Holy Mass starts by calling to mind our shortcomings and failures in order to humbly ask for forgiveness: “Lord, Have Mercy”.
  • On holy days and most Sundays of the Church year, this moment is then followed by the “Glory to God” with a focus on adoring and praising God for his greatness and proclaiming who He is.
  • A little while later is a prayer called the Preface Acclamation, beginning with the words “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts…”
  • After the Consecration, we proclaim the Mystery of Faith in one of three acclamations (for example, “We proclaim your death, O Lord”).
  • Just before Communion is the Fraction Rite, during which priest breaks the newly-consecrated host while the people pray, “Lamb of God…”