
2023 Children's Christmas Pagaent


Murals Explanation and Divine Mercy Sunday


Today's video will give a brief explanation of some of the symbolism and figures depicted in our sacred art. Enjoy the explanation!

Sanctuary Update!


It’s been a while since my last update on our sanctuary so that’s what we’ll talk about today! I’ve got some dates of what’s happening! I also have pictures of what several of these components will look like.

Artwork Sneak Peek


I am SUPER excited to share with you today, a tour of New Jerusalem Studios showcasing current progress of our mural work.

Read more about some of the artwork here.

July 8 Sanctuary Update


Today is my last sneak peek preview video because we’re going to be able to move back into the full space and celebrate Mass in this sanctuary the last weekend of July. Beginning with the Saturday vigil Mass on July 30th, and Sunday Masses on the 31st we’ll be back in our full worship space for all weekend and weekday liturgies.

June 10 Sanctuary Update


May 13 Sanctuary Update


Faith Direct Online Enrollment
